Stewards: Adrienne Blue, Trish Knevitt, Barbara Armitage and Christine Hill
Entry forms to Show Office by Monday of the Show week 5pm.
Exhibits to be at Pavilion Tuesday of the Show week 3-7pm or Wednesday of the Show week 8-9am.
Limit 2 exhibits per class per exhibitor. All articles must be unframed.
All articles must be mounted on rigid cardboard.
Maximum size of the article 41cm x 51cm including border.
Entry sticker must be attached to the front of the photos and name on the back.
No article is to be exhibited more than once at Berry Show.
Photos are not to be manipulated unless specified for the class. No article will be accepted that has been generated by
artificial intelligence (AI). Refer to Art Classes 2517-2518.
Please advise the Stewards if you are collecting your exhibit on Saturday evening, Sunday morning or not collecting.
1st $10, 2nd $5